Decades of SoC/ASIC development experience condensed into easy to understand tutorials with tons of code examples.
If you are a student or experienced professional pursuing a career in SoC Architecture, RTL Design, Verification, Emulation or Validation, this website will help you level-up your Hardware Engineering skills.


The best DDR4 and LPDDR5 tutorials on the internet. Covers the basics, initialization, training and timing parameters.
↗ LPDDR5 Tutorial: Deep dive into its Physical Structure
↗ DDR4: Understanding the Basics
↗ DDR4: Training & Calibration
↗ DDR4: Understanding Timing Parameters

Formal Verification
The perfect starting point for Formal Verification. These articles de-mystify this important verification strategy.
↗ SystemVerilog Assertions Tutorial
↗ A Gentle Introduction to Formal Verification
↗ Blueprint for Formal Verification

Python for ASIC/SoC Engineers
A Python tutorial custom built for ASIC/SoC engineers, with comparisons to SystemVerilog.

SystemVerilog & UVM
Become a SystemVerilog and UVM Ninja with these in-depth articles full of code examples
↗ SystemVerilog Macros Tutorial
↗ SystemVerilog Generate Statement
↗ Randomization & Random Number Generation
↗ Deep-dive into Random Stability
All Posts
→ LPDDR5 Tutorial: Deep dive into its physical structure
→ DDR4 Understanding the Basics
→ DDR4 Training & Calibration
→ DDR4 Understanding Timing Parameters
→ Faceboook and the Open Compute Project
→ Modular Design in Open Compute Project
→ SystemVerilog Macros Tutorial
→ SystemVerilog Generate Statement
→ Randomization & Random Number Generation
→ Deep-dive into Random Stability
→ SystemVerilog Assertions Tutorial
→ A Gentle Introduction to Formal Verification
→ Blueprint for Formal Verification
→ 10 Useful Utilities in SystemVerilog
→ A Style Guide for SystemVerilog